Country: Afghanistan
Closing date: 02 Feb 2016
Organizational Background
The Afghanistan National Horticulture Development Organization (ANHDO) is an Afghan non-governmental organization funded in 2009 and currently supported by the EU and AFD. The mission of the organization is to enable horticulture stakeholders to improve horticulture industry by providing technical services, upgrading capacities, and promoting private-public coordination. The development of ANHDO is part of the EU and Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock, Afghanistan long-term strategy for the development of horticulture (see Agriculture Master Plan (2009) and National Priority Program (2012).
In order for ANHDO to become a key actor on the long run in the development of the horticulture industry in Afghanistan and a permanent bridge between the public and the private sector, it is essential that the organization concentrates its efforts towards improving its governance and management capacities, and developing a long-term strategy that will enable the organization to fulfill its mandate and ensure its sustainability.
To achieve this critical objective, a specific component fully dedicated to the organizational development of ANHDO has been integrated into the 3-year AFD-funded Horticulture Value Chain Development Project (HVP) that started in October 2014. This component, referred as “Specific Objective 5”, has been formulated as followed: “Increased awareness and management capability of ANHDO and its partners lead to enhance ownership, self-confidence, governance and sustainability”.
In order to reach this specific objective and coordinate the various organizational development activities under this component, three main sub-components have been identified, as well as their respective results to be achieved within the timeframe of the project:
(i) Sub-Component 1: Governance and Management
This sub-component aims at developing an “increased awareness and management capability that leads to a better governance for ANHDO and its partners” (Result 1).
(ii) Sub-Component 2: Strategy
The objective of this second sub-component is to develop a long-term strategy owned by ANHDO (Result 2).
(iii) Sub-Component 3: Gender
This last sub-component is meant to lead to an “Increased awareness of ANHDO staff about gender role in horticulture sector and development of a gender component in ANHDO’s programs and organization ” (Result 3).
Objective and scope of the Assignement
The purpose of this assignment is to successfully implement the Sub-Component 3 of the HVP project dedicated to Gender. Therefore the Gender Expert will be responsible for increasing the awareness of ANHDO staff about gender role in horticulture and developing a gender component into ANHDO’s programs and organization.
In order to achieve this objective, the consultant is expected to:
1) Provide a study report about the role of women in horticulture in Afghanistan and identify in which specific parts of the horticultural value chain they are the most active, while highlighting the main regional differences;
2) Propose, develop and provide awareness rising and capacity building activities to ANHDO staff about: (i) general gender issues (ii) women’s role in horticulture in Afghanistan and (iii) the development of a gender component into ANHDO’s programs and activities.
3) Based on the main findings of the study report mentioned above, lead the participatory development of, and propose, a gender component to be included into ANHDO’s programs and activities, as well as a monitoring tool and guide for project management team and staff to properly monitor the implementation of activities specifically designed for women.
4) Develop a gender and anti-harassment policy for the whole organization to be included into ANHDO’s internal rules and regulations.
5) Develop a training module about ANHDO gender and anti-harassment policy.
Regarding the study of the role of women in horticulture, the Gender expert is expected to review the existing literature about the role of women in horticulture and to interview ANHDO technical staff and beneficiaries as necessary. If required, the Gender Expert will design a survey to refine the results of the literature review in order to be able to provide more specific recommendations about how to integrate a gender component into ANHDO’s programs and activities.
Based on the main findings of the study about the role of women in horticulture, the Expert will provide awareness rising trainings to ANHDO staff members presenting the main findings of the study, and will provide capacity building and methodological tools in order to develop a gender component.
In order to develop the gender component, the Gender Expert is first expected to identify and map all the activities that ANHDO is already implementing with women through its various projects. The development of the gender component will be performed in a participatory way involving ANHDO management and technical staff.
Deliverables and timeline
1) A study report about the role of women in horticulture including recommendations about the parts of the value chain where it would be worthwhile to develop specific activities for women.
2) One or several training session(s) depending on the number of participants with ANHDO management and staff about: (i) general gender issues (ii) the results of the study about women’s role in horticulture in Afghanistan, and (iii) a methodology to develop ANHDO gender component into the organization’s programs and activities.
3) A document presenting the gender component to be included into ANHDO’s program and activities, and the related monitoring tool to monitor its implementation.
4) A document presenting ANHDO Gender and Anti-harassment policy.
5) A training module about ANHDO gender and anti-harassment policy.
6) A mission report including all the deliverables into its annexes.
The Gender expert is expected to start this assignment in March 2016.
· 8 years professional experience in gender analysis and programing
· Master degree in gender studies, development, social sciences, horticulture or a related discipline
· Experience working in high-level position within NGOs or as an advisor
· Experience in providing gender-related trainings
· Experience in working with multiple partners
· Strong communication skills
· Excellent report writing skills
· Excellent written and spoken English
· Dari or Pashto language a plus
How to apply:
Please submit a CV, cover letter, salary history and three professional reference contacts.
The candidate should indicate in the Email subject the vacancy number and the positions that they are applying for (HVP 015 – Gender Expert), and show how their qualifications and experience meet the requirements for this position. Only shortlisted candidates will receive a reply.
Applications must be sent to the following address: