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Consultancy for Terminal Evaluation of WWF GEF MAR2R Project

Organization: World Wide Fund For Nature
Closing date: 24 Mar 2023


Location of Project: Mesoamerican Reef ecoregion (Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras)

Reporting to: Amelia Kissick

Preferred timeframe: July to October 2023

Potential sites to visit: Sites to be determined during inception period.

Maximum budget: $47,000

World Wildlife Fund, Inc. (WWF) policies and procedures for all GEF financed full and medium-sized projects require a terminal evaluation (TE) upon completion of project implementation. The following terms of reference (TOR) set out the expectations for the TE for the project “Integrated Ridge to Reef Management of the Mesoamerican Reef Ecoregion (MAR2R)” hereafter referred to as the “Project”. The technical consultant selected to conduct this evaluation will be referred to as “evaluator” throughout this TOR.

The Project seeks to support regional collaboration for integrated ridge to reef management of the MAR ecoregion by demonstrating its advantages and improving regional, national, and local capacities for integrated management and governance of its freshwater, coastal, and marine resources. The project has four interrelated components designed to scale up existing baseline programs to address key threats and barriers to the integrated management and conservation of the MAR:

  • Strengthen resource governance and regional collaboration for integrated ridge to reef management;
  • Integrated ridge to reef management of watersheds and freshwater resources;
  • Integrated ridge to reef management of coastal and marine resources; and
  • Project monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge sharing.

See the WWF GEF project website for additional details and project documents.

Scope and Objectives for the Evaluation

WWF is seeking an independent consultant to undertake a Terminal Evaluation of the Project. The scope of the TE will cover the GEF financed components.

The objectives of this evaluation are to examine the extent, magnitude and sustainability of any project impacts to date; identify concerns as well as best practices; assess progress towards project outcomes and outputs; and draw lessons learned that can both improve the sustainability of benefits from this project and aid in the enhancement of future related projects. The evaluator is expected to frame the evaluation effort using the seven (7) core criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, results/impact, sustainability and adaptive capacity. Particular emphasis will be placed on effectiveness, efficiency, results/impact and sustainability. Definitions of each of these criteria will be provided as well as summary table templates and a report outline (See annexes A - C).


Evaluation approach and method

The evaluation will adhere to the guidance, rules and procedures established by WWF[1] and the GEF Terminal Evaluation[2] and Ethical Guidelines.[3] The evaluation must provide evidence‐based information that is independent, participatory, transparent, and ethical. The evaluator(s) must be unbiased and free of any conflicts of interest with the project. The evaluator(s) is expected to reflect all stakeholder views and follow a participatory, inclusive and consultative approach. There should be close engagement with WWF GEF Implementing Agency (IA), government counterparts, the GEF operational focal points in each country, CCAD as the Executing Agency (EA) / project management unit (PMU), partners and key stakeholders. Contact information will be provided.

The Evaluation process will include the following, with deliverables[4] marked by “*”:

  1. Inception meeting with WWF, CCAD, and Project Steering Committee to gather input from select project stakeholders on evaluation approach, to agree on methodology, and to inform the inception report;
  2. Desk review including, but not limited to:
    • Project Document and CEO Endorsement Letter;
    • Project governance documents (agreements between WWF-US and CCAD, CCAD and executing partners, etc.)
    • Midterm Review Report;
    • Relevant safeguards documents, including WWF GEF Agency Categorization and Compliance memo, Environmental and Social Management Framework, Process Framework, Grievance Redress Mechanism, sub-project safeguards screens, if applicable;
    • Gender-responsive approaches used in the project, as applicable;
    • Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) documents;
    • Project Progress Reports (PPR) including Results Framework and AWP Tracking;
    • Project Closure Report (PCR) (if available);
    • GEF Agency reports, including Project Implementation Reports (PIRs) and Supervision Mission Reports;
    • GEF IW Tracking Tools
    • Relevant financial documents, including financial progress reports; co-financing monitoring tables and letters, and audits;
    • Meeting minutes (Project Steering Committee (PSC)) and relevant virtual meetings with the WWF- GEF AMU and support team; and
    • Other relevant documents provided by the Executing Agency and partners.
  3. Inception report* that outlines evaluation methodology, including how ratings/findings will be assessed (indicators to be used, key questions, etc.);
  4. Site visits to be determined, but may be across the four project countries;
  5. Interviews, discussions and consultations with executing partners, GEF Operational Focal Points (OFP), Project Steering Committee (PSC) members, beneficiaries, WWF-GEF Agency and support team; Project Management Unit, and others;
  6. Debrief and presentation* of initial findings to select project stakeholders (e.g. the EA, PMU, PSC and GEF Agency) for feedback and final data collection. Feedback log requested to record responses to comments received;
  7. Draft report* not to exceed 50 pages (excluding annexes) shared with GEF AMU, PMU and PSC for review and approval. Draft report shall include both a tracked changes and clean version of the report and should be presented in both English and Spanish. Additionally, this package will include all data collected in a shared drive. A sample outline will be provided; and
  8. Final TE report* (50 page limit excluding annexes) that has addressed any inaccuracies, responded to requests for additional means of verification and taken into consideration any feedback. Report should be in both English and Spanish. Final report package shall include a tracked changes and clean version of the report and should annex a feedback log showing actions taken/responses to all reviewer comments.

Expected Content of Evaluation Report

The Terminal Evaluation report should include:

  • Information on the evaluation process, including when the evaluation took place, sites visited, participants, key questions, summary of methodology and rating rubric, and feedback log showing how comments on draft were incorporated;
  • Assessment of Relevance (project design , theory of change) and Coherence;
  • Assessment of project Results Framework plus rating of project objective and outcomes (individual and overall);
  • Assessment of Effectiveness and ratings of Implementation and Execution;
  • Assessment and rating of Risks to the Sustainability of project outcomes;
  • Assessment and rating of Monitoring and Evaluation Design and Implementation;
  • Assessment of knowledge management approach, including activities and products;
  • Assessment of replication and catalytic effects of the project;
  • Assessment of stakeholder engagement and gender-responsive measures;
  • Assessment of any environmental and social impacts and safeguards used for the project. A review of risk category classification and mitigation measures;
  • Assessment of Efficiency, financial management and summary of co-financing delivered;
  • Summary table of key findings by core criteria and GEF ratings, including justification and/or indicators for their determination;
  • Key lessons tied to identified strengths, best practices or issues;
  • Conclusions and recommendations that would be useful for project close and sustainability, and for other similar projects in order to improve on identified issues, replicate best practices or achieve better results.

[1] For additional information on evaluation methods adopted by WWF, see the WWF Evaluation Guidelines , published on our WWF Program Standards public website.

[2] For additional information on the GEF Terminal Evaluation Guidelines, see the GEF Terminal Evaluation Guidelines.

[3] Please see the GEF Ethical Guidelines as published on GEF website.

[4] Deliverables submitted to GEF Secretariat will be in English, however, for full stakeholder participation, it is recommended that all deliverables under contract be in Spanish and English. At a minimum, the draft and final reports should be in both languages. Please account for translation services, if necessary, for both interviews and deliverables.


Required Qualifications and Experience

  • Minimum 10 years of relevant professional experience (e.g. leading evaluations)
  • Noted experience with evaluation methodologies
  • Excellent written and oral communication in English and Spanish

Preferred Qualifications and Experience

  • Experience with GEF financed projects and knowledge of GEF Monitoring and Evaluation;
  • Experience with participatory evaluation, social assessments, and both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods;
  • Experience in the region and familiarity with intergovernmental organizations, particularly CCAD / SICA.
  • Technical knowledge related to the project (e.g. integrated watershed management, International Waters GEF Focal Area, etc.);
  • Familiarity with Conservation Standards or WWF Project and Programme Management Standards, including emphasis on theory of change;
  • Knowledge and experience implementing or reviewing application of social and environmental safeguards policies in GEF (or similar) projects; and
  • Fluent in written and spoken English and Spanish.

Payment modalities and specifications

Payment, expense reimbursement, and other contractual terms and conditions will be outlined in the consultant agreement made between WWF and the evaluator(s). Payments will be made following submitted and approved deliverables. Twenty-five percent of payment will correspond with completion and approval of the Inception Report. Fifty percent of the payment will correspond with submission and approval of the debrief presentation and the Draft Report. The final twenty-five percent will be delivered with the submission and approval of the Final Report.

How to apply

Application process

Interested consultants are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal in English with their curriculum vitae, a relevant writing sample and three professional references. The financial proposal should include fees and reimbursable expenses, such as travel costs, if applicable. The budget shall not exceed $47,000. Individual or team applications are welcome. Applicants are requested to apply by sending their applications to amelia.kissick@wwfus.org by March 24th, 2023.

The selection of candidates and contractual agreements will be in compliance with WWF procurement policies[1] and subject to GEF requirements. In addition to accounting for financial proposals, references and writing sample, a selection committee will rate technical proposals based on quality of the proposal, understanding of the terms of reference and meeting required and desired qualifications. Women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply.

For full terms of reference with annexes, please visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hB0wCUhuNByzP3fTnjoKI_ZXi7vnGRUJ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101431196757707270045&rtpof=true&sd=true

[1] WWF Procurement Policy

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