Country: Afghanistan
Closing date: 02 Sep 2016
The Afghanistan National Horticulture Development Organization (ANHDO) is an Afghan non-governmental organization funded in 2009 and currently supported by the EU and AFD. The mission of the organization is to enable horticulture stakeholders to improve horticulture industry by providing technical services, upgrading capacities, and promoting private-public coordination. The development of ANHDO is part of the EU and MAIL long-term strategy for the development of horticulture (see Agriculture Master Plan (2009) and National Priority Program (2012).
In March 2013, ANHDO completed a horticultural survey for the Pole de Développement in Kapisa province and Sorobi district of Kabul province, which resulted in constructive and realistic recommendations regarding intervention area for the development of horticulture sector in those areas, which were much appreciated by Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
Following to the successful survey in Kapisa and Sorobi, and the start of other initiatives by ANHDO, the Pole de Développement and AFD indicated that such initiatives are in line with French strategy for the development of horticulture in Afghanistan and that French funding could be available for implementing similar activities. AFD coordinated with the EU delegation in Afghanistan and they both agreed that ANHDO was a suitable partner and French funds could be effectively utilized for actions synergic to some of the actions already undertaken by the EU-funded Horticulture Private Sector Project (HPS). And on November 2014 Pole de Développement and AFD granted 2.2 million Euros to implement the Horticulture Value Chain Development Project (HVP) for a duration of 39 months.
Project objectives and results:
The AFD-funded HVP project aims to contribute to the uplifting of horticulture sector in Afghanistan (yields, quality standards, market value) and enhance the private sector performance, through specific pilot actions in target areas. In particular, the project aims to: Increase income from horticulture for targeted nursery growers, farmers and traders.
Improve quality standards & market value of horticultural products in target groups / areas.Increase service delivery capacity of related public and private structures
Project Objectives:
Specific Objective 1: Afghan private sector nursery industry and its associated organizations and institutions meet the nation-wide demand of Afghan farmers for certified perennial plant material for increased planting of modern orchards & vineyards.
Specific Objective 2: Adaptive research and technical development programmes provide the technical solutions to increase orchard and vineyard productivity and value to the consumer at household, and national level.
Specific Objective 3: Pilot demonstration of enhanced post-harvest management systems and market driven value chain development for key perennial horticulture crops in target groups & areas
Specific Objective 4: A soundly based and profitable citrus industry in eastern Afghanistan is developed.
Specific Objective 5: Increase awareness and management capability of ANHDO and its partners lead to enhanced ownership, self-confident, governance and sustainability
Project Funding: The total eligible cost of the Action is EUR 2,267624
We have committed to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the HVP project to assess progress in implementation and the extent in which we are achieving the project objectives, and determine ways in which we can improve project implementation to ensure we reach all the project objectives.
Evaluation questions:
Is the project making satisfactory progress in terms of achieving project outputs as per the project logical framework and timeframe?
Are the project activities adequate to achieve the project objectives?
In what ways can the project implementation be improved to better meet project objectives?
How can the overall design of the project be improved to better achieve the set targets?
The methodology should address the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project intervention.
Relevance: the relevance criterion concerns the appropriateness of the project design in relation to the problems to be resolved both when the project was designed, and at the time of the evaluation. For the current relevance of the project design the following aspects need to be reviewed and assessed:
current relation of the planned project objectives to the Government and ministerial policies; current relation of the planned project objectives to the real needs of the intended beneficiaries; and complementarily and coherence of the planned project objectives with relevant interventions of other donors in the sector
Efficiency: the efficiency criterion concerns the extent to which the outputs have been achieved in relation to the possible use of planned resources (funds, expertise, time). This implies the review of the performance of the consultants’ services in carrying out their Terms of Reference and assessing the contribution of implementing partners towards the realization of planned measures. It includes a review of the project's governance/organizational and management structures, intervention methods and internal monitoring instrument.
Effectiveness: The effectiveness criterion concerns the extent to which the project's results are achieved and have contributed towards the achievement of the project purpose or whether it can be expected to happen in the future on the basis of the current results of the project.
Impact: the impact criterion concerns positive and negative, intended or unintended, direct or indirect long-term effects that derive as consequence (=outcomes or benefits) from the available project results. This includes the identification of possible effects on a micro and macro-level, i.e. the extent to which the benefits from project results have a wider overall effect on larger numbers of people, on a region or on the sector.
Sustainability: the sustainability criterion concerns the extent to which the benefits from the project results continue after termination of the external intervention, or the probability that they continue in the long-term in a way that is resilient to risks.
The consultant will be responsible for designing the methodology. To fulfil the objectives of this exercise both quantitative and qualitative assessment methods should be employed. We require a participatory methodology whereby the work engages all key stakeholders including beneficiaries, partners and MAIL staff.
Deliverables and timeline
The consultant is expected to carry out the following activities and produce the following outputs:
- a. Produce and present the proposed detailed methodology of the evaluation for final approval. Attend a briefing session with the project Stakeholders and the representative from the AFD upon arrival in Afghanistan. During this session, the stakeholders group will elaborate in more detail and, if required, adjust the specific questions for the evaluation assignment as stated in these TOR.
- b. Present a schedule of meetings to be held with project implementing actors and with relevant stakeholders, like the line ministry, including site visits and interviews with relevant beneficiaries. The project team will assist the drafting of this schedule 2 weeks before the start of the evaluation in Kabul by considering the availability of stakeholders and beneficiaries and the logistic movement requirements.
- c. Conduct interviews and site visits with the identified key actors, beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders;
- d. Conduct a debriefing session with the project stakeholders on the last day of the evaluation mission. Produce a Power Point presentation (PPP) for the de-briefing with preliminary findings, main lessons learnt and recommendations. After the debriefing session, submit the PPP to the project stakeholders.
- e. Produce a draft evaluation report within 7 days after the end of the in-country mission and submit it in electronic version to the AFD representative and all the main stakeholders. Comments will be provided within 10 days after the submission of the draft report.
- f. Attend to the comments on the draft evaluation report by either accommodating or commenting on these. Produce the evaluation report within 10 days after receiving the comments and submit the electronic version to the evaluation manager and the members of the reference group. ANHDO will produce 15 hard and bound copies of the Mid Term Evaluation report and distribute to the AFD and to the main stakeholders.
The length of the report will be maximum 25 pages plus annexes. It will include an Executive summary, an Introduction, the Methodology applied, the details on the five Evaluation criteria, a Conclusion, and Lessons learnt. Obligatory annexes to be attached are: the list of documents reviewed, the list of people met, the TOR, and other supporting documents as needed.
All reports shall clearly contain the following disclaimer: “This report was prepared with the financial support of the AFD. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the AFD.”
The assignment will take place partly home based, partly in Kabul with possible travel to Jalalabad, Afghanistan under the guidance of the AFD in conjunction with ANHDO. Assignment is foreseen to start in September 2016. .
The maximum number of working days for the senior International Expert will be: 12 working days.
ANHDO will be responsible for identifying, recruiting and compensating the consultants of the evaluation team. For the mission period in Afghanistan, ANHDO shall ensure that the consultants will have the requisite equipment and resources, and in particular sufficient logistic, secretarial and interpreting support to enable the two experts to concentrate fully on the assignment. ANHDO shall assist with the preparation of meeting/ interview schedule, including site visits for the evaluation team and make available all required documents as produced in the course of the project or provided to the contractor by other key actors/ stakeholders. ANHDO will ensure the availability of project personnel for interviews as necessary.
ANHDO should foresee the provision for international travel costs for the International Expert, for per diems for the days spent in Afghanistan and for local travel for site visits. Accommodation and living expenses will be covered by the consultant’s per diems.
The engagement will be carried out confidentially. The consultants should neither use, nor appear to use, information acquired during the course of this engagement for either personal advantage or the advantage of a third party.
- At least a Master's degree in Agriculture or a related field. In the absence of a MSc degree, an equivalent of an additional five years' experience in the related field.
- At least 10 years' experience in monitoring and evaluating donor-funded projects or programs, preferably with AFD or EU-funded assistance instruments. Previous experience in Afghanistan, specifically in monitoring or evaluating EU-funded projects will be an asset.
- The expert should be able to evaluate governance and organizational development issues.
- Good knowledge and experience in development cooperation, and in EC cooperation (procedures and structures) in particular.
- Good understanding of the situation in the region and specifically in the agriculture/ horticulture sector in Afghanistan
- Specific knowledge in the principles used in cooperative structures and associations
- Capacity to address essential cross–cutting thematic issues, when required (e.g. gender equality, environment)
- Good analytical skills and proven field work capacity
- Excellent communication skills. Excellent oral and written skills in English are required.
- No conflict of interest (no involvement in project programming or implementation)
Contract conditions
· Salary will be based on International NGO standard and work experiences.
· The duration of the contract will be 12 working days
How to apply:
Please submit a CV, cover letter, salary history and three professional reference contacts.
The candidate should indicate in the Email subject the vacancy number and the positions that they are applying for (HVP 018 – Senior International Expert), and show how their qualifications and experience meet the requirements for this position. Only shortlisted candidates will receive a reply.
Applications must be sent to the following address: